Obtaining a Tahitian pearl, cultured pearl, demands a workmaship that we developed over the years. We made the choice of an extensive farming rather than intensive to focus on quality, not on quantity. We own indeed a 20 hectares marine parc that could produce theoretically 200 000 pearls a year, but we prefer to produce […]
Category: Tahitian pearl
Learn how Tahitian pearl are cultivated, how they grow, the different grades of pearls, and how to take care of your Tahitian pearl
Tahitian pearl grades
La classification des perles Devenez un expert Nous utilisons la classification officielle du ministère de la perliculture : Top GEMME : perle hors classe, parfaite, au lustre excellent.Catégorie A : Surface sans imperfections sur 90 %. Lustre trés beau.Catégorie B : Surface lisse sur 70 %. Lustre bon au minimum.Catégorie C : Surface lisse sur […]
Pearl care
Pearls care Pearls are very strong, but they are sensitive to acidic attacks. With these few recommendations, you can easily preserve your pearls for generations. How is a pearl formed? To properly take care of your pearl, it is important to know what it is made of. Pearls are a tight stack of thin layers […]