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Tahitian pearl culture

Obtaining a Tahitian pearl, cultured pearl, demands a workmaship that we developed over the years. We made the choice of an extensive farming rather than intensive to focus on quality, not on quantity. We own indeed a 20 hectares marine parc that could produce theoretically 200 000 pearls a year, but we prefer to produce […]

Tahitian pearl grades

La classification des perles Devenez un expert Nous utilisons la classification officielle du ministère de la perliculture : Top GEMME : perle hors classe, parfaite, au lustre excellent.Catégorie A : Surface sans imperfections sur 90 %. Lustre trés beau.Catégorie B : Surface lisse sur 70 %. Lustre bon au minimum.Catégorie C : Surface lisse sur […]

Pearl care

Pearls care Pearls are very strong, but they are sensitive to acidic attacks. With these few recommendations, you can easily preserve your pearls for generations. How is a pearl formed? To properly take care of your pearl, it is important to know what it is made of. Pearls are a tight stack of thin layers […]


Ferme perlière Champon - 2022