Obtaining a Tahitian pearl, cultured pearl, demands a workmaship that we developed over the years.
We made the choice of an extensive farming rather than intensive to focus on quality, not on quantity.
We own indeed a 20 hectares marine parc that could produce theoretically 200 000 pearls a year, but we prefer to produce 10 times less. From one hand, that allow us to make more room for each oyster to let them get more nutrients and oxygen, and on the other hand, it makes the cleaning easier and thus more regular (each 3 or 4 months), to support their growth. Quality always prevails.
[Photo nettoyage par les poissons]
We aim constantly to improve our production techniques.
For instance, teaming up with Marine Resources Direction and the CRIOBE (Centre de Recherche Insulaire et OBservatoire de l’Environnement – Islands research center and environment obersvatory), we developed natural cleaning techniques by settling small coral fishes colonies on the oysters lines. Indeed some fishes species get their food from parasites that grow on oysters. This new cleaning system still in progress would allow a more sustainable and eco-friendly production.
The grafting operation is made with nucleus from the best quality, on perfectly healthy nacre, at moderate pace.
Grafting, performed by highly skilled and experienced technicians, consist in introducing into the oyster a piece of the lip from a hand picked donor oyster selected for its nice colors, and a nucleus originating from the shell of Mississipi bivalve. We work following the seasons to optimise this critical operation. We prefer grafting oysters during southern winter to avoid them to stress out, and make sure they will make it to produce a better quality pearl.
A 18 months immersion period for the pearls, and 24 months for the keshis is meticulously observed.
This, even if growth conditions on our site woudl allow us to decrease the necessary breeding time to obtain the mandatory nacre thickness for exportation (currently 0.8 millimeters). This guaranty a fine layer of nacre for our gems, for a nice luster and a large durability. Your pearl must be able to be passed on from generation to generation.
We made the choice of fixed breeding frames for our oyesters to be in the best conditions.
Lines holding the oysters are hooked between 7 and 8 meters depth rather than lifting them to the surface. That implies more work because it requires to apnea dive to reach them. In return, oysters are protected from strong currents during heavy weather. Once again, we don’t make compromise when it comes to quality.
[Bijou qui pète] 
We only sell pearls and jewelry from our pearl farm. Quality criteria are always higher than officiel standards.Quality also means happy returning customer.